Victorian London RPG Wiki

Afternoon-tea Good evening all and welcome to another edition of the Queen's Tea. While sitting in the elysium the other day I happened to catch glimpse of a mortal man at tea time. He had three chins, a large suit with a tiny bib. His meal (and it was certainly enough for such) consisted of an entire tray of assorted tea cakes, 2 pots of tea, and an entire following of sandwiches. After the first few bites, I had to simply turn away in disgust.

Allow me to remind you all how lucky we are to be separated from such gluttony. With the days being longer, we have less time to conduct business.

The good news is now is no better time to pick up a few good books and enjoy the night air!

Conan Doyle's new book about detective Sherlock Holmes is out and ready for pick up!

A new newspaper is well on the way in July called the London Evening news.

As the summers heat up there will be more to come! Until then, keep up on the readings and your pinky extended!
